Man wearing blue pullover polo shirt

Tim Cranch

Ellie Penaranda

Woman wearing straw brim hat and gray and white floral shirt

At Last After Three Weeks I Got My Video

At last, after three weeks of cruising on my bike early every morning to the Naples pier, I lucked out and recorded this video….

Considering that the dolphins are out by the pier every morning, I thought I would have this video done in a day or two, but it really took a lot of patience (a characteristic I really do not have), and a ton of videos before I caught this flipper in action…. I was so excited that I neglected to keep the video on and take some shots of the pier and all the people who were watching.  Wait till I catch these dolphins when the whole family is feeding together.  Now that’s a racket.

If you make it to the Naples pier early (between 7 to 8 AM) you can watch the dolphins, stingrays, ospreys, eagle, pelicans and all sorts of other birds.  Beach goers come later in the day, so it is usually a few fishermen – so quiet and peaceful.