Man wearing blue pullover polo shirt

Tim Cranch

Ellie Penaranda

Woman wearing straw brim hat and gray and white floral shirt

Naples, Florida – Did You Know? Holiday Boat Parade

Did you know that we have three holiday boat parades in the area? If you are lucky enough to live in Naples or visit during the holiday season, then you have reason to celebrate. And we celebrate in style here in Naples!

There are three boat parades in December to add a nautical touch to getting in the holiday spirit. Not to be outdone by other boaters, these skippers go over the top to entertain everyone with their decorations, themes, costumes, lights and music to create floating masterpiece displays. If you are considering a ringside seat at a restaurant with a view, you had better make that phone call now. Otherwise, you can line the streets, bridges, docks and shoreline with others to cheer on the boaters with your appreciation.  A fun event for the whole family!

Check out the location and dates below:

Naples Bay Boat Parade

Saturday, December 9th from 6:30 to 9:30pm

Click here for more information – Naples Bay Boat Parade

Village on Venetian Bay Boat Parade

Tuesday, December 12th from 5 to 8pm

Click here for more information – Village on Venetian Bay Boat Parade

Bonita Springs Boat Parade

Saturday, December 9th at 5pm

Click here for more information and route map – Bonita Springs Boat Parade


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ational buyers for the best results. If you are a buyer, we listen well and will find your own “Piece of Paradise” at the best negotiated price that fits your budget.   or   239-272-4848   or   239-776-5077