This week in REALTOR® Magazine I read an article about Bidding Wars Catch Buyers Off-Guard (as reported by the Wall Street Journal) and my immediate reaction was really? I was baffled by the source of information… Buyers caught off-guard? We all know the market does not change overnight, not in real estate. Maybe buyers who have not been keeping an eye on the market, buyers who have not associated with a professional to keep them up to the minute as to market conditions and/or buyers who refuse to accept that the market has changed just because they’ve been talking about buying a home for the last 12 months – still wanting to buy at the bottom, well, “the bottom just happened.”
We have been warning buyers about the market changes, the low inventory (supply and demand), and the high sales activities (caused by consumer confidence), for months now… I even reported on how many active listings have changed their prices, upwards, yes increased their asking price. And some made remarks like, “Well, if they didn’t sell for a whole year, are they out of their mind to increase the asking price… they can’t be serious about selling”… but they are, they are so serious, they have kept with market info (through their real estate professional) and have kept track of the sales activity which backed their decision to go up. Actually, several did sell and the increase in price did not jeopardize the sale.
Our buyers have not been caught off-guard and we continue to find them some great buying opportunities. Here is what we’ve been saying all along.
March 2012: If you are considering a purchase of a home in a boating community in Naples,you can’t afford to wait till the 1st and 2nd quarter reports are out… the activity level in boating communities has been extremely high especially for the $1M+ homes.
Jan. 2012: 9 Reasons you should buy one of these Condos before it’s too late: 1) The most desired & valued property in the state of FL is a beachfront home…
>Sept. 2011: How many times have I heard my buyers say “I want to buy at the bottom”? Too many times to count. No one can tell when the bottom is, till it has passed. So for all of you fans of the Naples Park community, who have been waiting for the bottom, it just happened. So let’s look at the latest numbers, compare and see how well Naples Park has done so far in 2011.
Jan 2011: Consumer confidence is back and evident in the number of contracts being written every day. Both buyers and sellers are getting realistic and deals are being made. Number of new listings for this weekend is below average, and pending contracts above average. January seems to be starting the year on a good and positive note. If you are serious about buying in Naples, the opportunity is now. Call me today@ 239-776-5077 I can help you position yourself for a great buy!
Jan 2011: – Thinking of Buying a home in Naples, FL? More than ever it is important to keep an eye on the market activity in our area: 1) Real Estate is very localized and in some instances neighborhood by neighborhood; 2) Time is running out on the good deals. Our area has been enjoying a steady stream of sales activity and we are looking forward to a better year.
Dec. 2010: Pending sales up, inventory down. The month of December started with strong activity which was expected by professionals in the industry. When we are talking about strong activity, we usually me/n, equal or higher activity than the previous month and or equal or higher activity than the same month a year earlier.
Serious about buying a home in Naples?
The law of supply and demand says call Ellie today at 239-776-5077 to get started.