Naples & Bonita Beach FL – Three Bedroom Beachfront Condos
THREE BEDROOM CONDOS ARE IN DEMAND as people are wanting more space for family, guests and just more elbow room. Two bedroom, two bathroom condos are much more plentiful and we can find those for you in every area along the beach. That legitimate third bedroom can be elusive and is in high demand. Add a few “must haves” like a location on the beach with Gulf of Mexico views and pet friendly means your choices are more limited.
We specialize in representing buyers and sellers for properties that are steps to the beach so, check out these condos where your toes are in the sand and tropical sunsets are enjoyed from your home. All of them are three bedrooms with a view of the Gulf of Mexico – click on the link below:
As full time real estate professionals, we represent both buyers and sellers in Naples. If you are a seller, we market your home to local, national and international buyers for the best results. If you are a buyer, we listen well and will find your own “Piece of Paradise” at the best negotiated price and terms.
Tim Cranch at 239-272-4848 Ellie Penaranda at 239-776-5077