Man wearing blue pullover polo shirt

Tim Cranch

Ellie Penaranda

Woman wearing straw brim hat and gray and white floral shirt

What’s in a Name? Conners of Vanderbilt Beach – Naples, Florida

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Conners of Vanderbilt Beach is a neighborhood of 500 single family canal homes in north Naples with boating access to the Gulf of Mexico. Here’s a little history lesson before you click on the links below to see the homes currently on the market for sale.

Old aerial photos (circa 1952) show the Vanderbilt Beach area as wilderness of scrub oak habitat, mangrove and lagoons before reaching the sandy beaches on the Gulf of Mexico. Around that period of time, a dredge opened a channel from Wiggins Pass at the Gulf to what is now the Vanderbilt inter-canal area. Salt water flooded in the backwater areas and two subsequent dredging operations created the first solid buildable landmass. The finger canals and streets were constructed in the mid-50’s.

J. B. Conners was a road builder from Tampa and was the land development pioneer of the Vanderbilt Beach area. When Conners began to develop the area, the only inhabitants were occasional occupants of a fish camp. It is said that he chose the name ‘Vanderbilt Beach’ as a marketing ploy to create the impression of wealth and prestige. By 1959, the platting process was complete and his vision of homes on the water with access to the Gulf of Mexico was a reality.

Today, the neighborhood enjoys a great location near the middle of the action (Mercato, the Ritz Carlton Beach Hotel, LaPlaya Resort, Delnor-Wiggins State Beach Park, Vanderbilt Beach Park) within walking distance to beautiful beaches and boating in the Gulf of Mexico as well as backwater boating all of the way up to Fort Myers Beach.

Check out the canal homes that are currently listed for sale in Conners at Vanderbilt Beach by clicking on the link below:

Canal Homes for Sale in Conners at Vanderbilt Beach

Call us for a tour of homes in this neighborhood. There are choices for different budgets but, the supply is shrinking so, don’t wait any longer. You will learn a lot more than a little history of the neighborhood!

As full time real estate professionals, we represent both buyers and sellers in Naples. If you are a seller, we market your home to local, national and international buyers for the best results. If you are a buyer, we listen well and will find your own “Piece of Paradise” at the best negotiated price and terms.

 Tim Cranch at 239-272-4848                  Ellie Penaranda at 239-776-5077     

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