Naples is pet friendly but you do need to align ourself with a local Realtor who knows where to be looking within your budget for your four legged furry friends. There is something out there on the market for single family homes, villas and condos that will welcome your big dog or multiple big dogs. There are properties in all budgets that are pet friendly so, call us or send an email for more information and a tour of homes in your price range. Pet guidelines and policies vary from community to community and can be subject to change. Know and confirm the pet policies BEFORE you go! Call Tim at 239-272-4848 today.
Communities with the most flexibility for size, number and breed of dogs are going to be neighborhoods that don’t have a Homeowners Association. We have neighborhoods of single family homes in Naples without any restrictions on pets that range in price from $300,000 to $5M and well above $5M for luxury accommodations for your menagerie. In addition, although not common in condominium developments we do have some condos (including some beachfront condos) that don’t have a size limitation for dogs. Other communities that have associations might welcome large dogs but have a breed restriction. You need to consult us before you believe everything you see on the internet!
The ones listed below are just a sample. Check out some of the options by clicking on the links below and then call us:
CONNERS at VANDERBILT BEACH (Canal Homes / No Pet Restrictions)
MORAYA BAY (Beachfront Condos / No Size Limit)
NAPLES PARK (Single Family Homes near Beach / No Pet Restrictions)
All budgets, all types of homes and condos and all shapes and sizes of dogs – we will find your own Piece of Paradise that is pet friendly. Call us to help you navigate through the pet policies in Naples and Bonita Springs.
Call Ellie @ 239-776-5077 or Tim @ 239-272-4848
As committed real estate professionals, our job is to ensure that you find the perfect home for your needs. Whether you’re looking for that big backyard, modern high rise beachfront condo or a cozy cottage, we can help you find it.